Class: MatrixBuilder


new MatrixBuilder(baseColorOrMatrix)

The MatrixBuilder eases the creation of LED matrix definitions for your L8 Smartlight.

It provides a couple of convenience functions to create and manipulate matrix arrays.

The constructor either takes a baseColor for the whole matrix, or a complete matrix as a starting point for manipulations.

The baseColorOrMatrix argument is optional. If none is supplied an LED off-state is chosen as default for every LED in the matrix.

Name Type Description
baseColorOrMatrix Object | Array optional
 var l8 = new L8();
 //... Initialize L8...

 var builder = new MatrixBuilder();
 var matrix = builder.rectangle(
     {r: 0, g: 0, b: 15},
     2, 2,
     5, 5,
 .row({r: 15, g: 0, b: 0}, 3)
 .row({r: 15, g: 0, b: 0}, 4)
 .column({r: 15, g: 0, b: 0}, 3}),
 .column({r: 15, g: 0, b: 0}, 4)


The given examples draws a blue border with a red crosshair on the L8



The initial matrix all operations will be applied against.


List of all transformation operations to be applied to the initial matrix upon calls to toMatrix.

Methods, fn)

Execute a map like operation on a matrix taking into account its special nature.

The operation is mostly equivalent to a normal call. However special considerations about the matrix will be taken into account, like lines and columns.

The callback is executed with the following arguments:

  • color
  • column (x-coordinate)
  • row (y-coordinate)
  • index

The matrix will be modified in place

The following example will remove the red component of any pixel inside the given matrix.

Name Type Description
matrix Array
fn function
 var matrix = // some matrix, function(originalColor, row, column, index) {
     return {r: 0, g: originalColor.g, b: originalColor.b};

 l8.setMatrix(matrix, ...);

column(color, x, y0, y1){MatrixBuilder}

Draw pixels inside a certain column of the grid.

Optionally a start and end row may be provided. If none are given the start and end of the column are assumed.

Name Type Description
color Object
x Number
y0 Number
y1 Number


Create an Array with a given size and values at every index position.

This array may easily be used to execute map/reduce operations to fill/create a new array structure.

Name Type Description
size Number

Add a transformation operation to the MatrixBuilder

Operations are functions, which will be called in order of registration upon the matrix. They are supposed to transform or manipulate it in any way relevant to the creation process.

Operations are provided with an optional parameters object, which may be supplied during the call to toMatrix, which allows to introduce variables into the building pipeline.

Name Type Description

rectangle(color, x0, y0, x1, y1, filled){MatrixBuilder}

Draw a rectangle to the pixel grid

The grid is defined by specifying its upper left and lower right coordinates.

Optionally it may be specified if the grid should be filled or not. By default the grid will be filled.

Name Type Description
color Object
x0 Number
y0 Number
x1 Number
y1 Number
filled Boolean optional

row(color, y, x0, x1){MatrixBuilder}

Draw pixels inside a certain row of the grid.

Optionally a start and end column may be provided. If none are given the start and end of the line are assumed.

Name Type Description
color Object
y Number
x0 Number
x1 Number


Generate the matrix using all defined operations as well as the variables

The given variables will be provided to each operation. Operations will be executed in the defined order.

Name Type Description
variables Object optional


Validate colors are valid r, g, b objects

If one of the colors is invalid an exception will be thrown.

Name Type Description
colors Object[]
Name Type Description
r Number
g Number
b Number


Validate coordinates are valid numbers between 0-7

If one of the coordinates is invalid an exception will be thrown.

Name Type Description
coordinates Number[]